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Tue, 15 Aug 2000 00:31:49 -0700
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Hello FML subscribers.  My name is Daniel and I am 17.
Most ferret horror stories you hear on this mailing list are horrible,
but you are about to hear one that was caused by the person writing this.
I have had a ferret named Sidney for 2 years now, and we all love her
very much (me and the family).  She is perfect and she and I get along
very well, but... she always bites ONLY the female humans.  Anyways,
Last Christmas we bought a male baby ferret, in hopes that once trained
and brought up, it would get along well with the Female humans (sister,
stepmom).  I named him Felix.  Felix was a happy little ferret pup, and
he also screamed alot just when playing and I guess for fun.  Felix was
extremely playful.  He would do this crazy act where he jumps around
and acts like he's gonna kill everything in sight, but you would pick
him up  and he wouldnt bite or anything, but chew softly on your finger.
Well about a month ago, I went to chill at my friends place, and I brought
Felix along (he was still a pup but had gotten very big).  We played with
him and then after awhile we put him in the bathroom.  Well We stayed up
all night, and I knew i should have brought Felix back home but it was kind
of late.  By morning we decided to ditch school (finals were already over).
My real mom calls, knowing I had been there, and starts yelling at me, and
drives over and takes me home.  She grounds me for the weekend.
Poor Felix is still at my friend's house.  They let him run around for
awhile but he pooped under the couch, so they put him back in the bathroom
but he keeps running out.  My friend on the second night decides to put him
in a bucket like thing.  Theres a bowl of water and food.  he covers it
with a board.  The next morning my friend calls me.  I am still at home and
grounded and I am going back to My dad's place the same day.  My friend
tells me that Felix is dead, and I think he is joking.
Later on I go to get Felix and I cried when I saw him.  Felix was dead in
the bucket, his body frozen, cold and stiff.  There was enough room for him
to lie down, but he had pooped and spilled his water, then lied in it.  I
saw my ferret's lifeless body lying in there, and I cried.  I knew it was
my fault.  Felix did not deserve this, and because of my irresponsibility
he has died.
My father and I had felix cremated.  He sits atop my shelf with a box of
ferret bandit treats and 3 pictures we have of him.  I cry every night
knowing that he should not have died this way, and that I have failed as a
good ferret father.  Every time I let Sidney out to play, she has a great
time with the cat and the dog, but I cry.
I have not written this message for me.  I have written this message in
hopes that Sandee will welcome Felix to the other side.  It will not
lighten my heart, but hopefully it will help Felix have a better life
then I gave him.  He was only a pup, 5 months old.  I greatly repsect
people like Squiggles savior.  Maybe they are Saints, but Felix, he is a
martyr.  He has died unjustly, and should not have.  I do not wish for
forgiveness, but only for Felix to be happy wherever he is.  Sandee,
please take Felix in.
If you all could see me now, you could see the tears in my eyes.  I loved
Felix, but I did not give him the attention he needed.  All I can give
Felix to make up for my carelessness are my tears.
Daniel  and Sidney
[Posted in FML issue 3145]