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Mon, 7 Aug 2000 20:18:08 EDT
Bruce Gaylord <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
Dooks to all ferret lovers.  Advancedhelp.org is on line now.
There is 2 reasons for making this web site.  One is to index important
articles and information.  Another is individual people, their knowledge
and experiences.  For example one couple wrote to me they took their ferret
that had been stepped on to a TV famous vet.  The vet made a decision the
ferret was fine, the couple was later upset cause they would have gladly
paid the money for an ultrasound that would have found blood that hardened
pressing on the lung that caused the ferret to die 8 months later.  If
they had read something like this they might have gone in for a follow up
checkup and requested the ultrasound.  So I am going to write back to
these ferret owners and see if they would like to more eloquently tell
their story for other ferret owners to read and have a reference that an
ultrasound is an option.  Everyone is welcome to write in text or html and
with pictures.  That way we get no one authorative answer but different
ways and angles.  Perhaps one persons explaination connects to one reader
better than another.
 :-) people who are owned by ferrets can have their knowledge stored on
this web site for others to read in both text and html web page format with
pictures.  The site isn't "pretty" yet but that is because I have been
working on the content.  Also if you have a web page that you would like
transfered to here I can do that.  I have seen some nice sites come and
go that people have put a lot of effort and then for one reason or another
the webpage is no longer there.
This is the other reason for this web site Important articles on the
internet for example go to this web page and click on ferrets then go to
ie.  poision control and there is listed the 800 number for 24 hour animal
poison hotline.
Similar reasons is you know there was a web site of the formula for
heartworm using ivermectin now which website is it and what sublink was
it listed under...
Basicly how this is benifical to the ferret community is that I am indexing
all (almost) the ferret articles on the internet into one index.  (web
rings I'm not trying to duplicate or lists)
I haven't been as diligent but in 2 weeks I have managed to get maybe half
the ferret information links on this page.
Everyone is welcome to write in text or html and with pictures.  Just
please don't say stuff like whack the ferret on the nose.
(Server and real time publishing) I got permission to run this web site off
my home computer that has cable modem so it should be fast enough.  Space
is not a problem I have 67 gigabytes of hard drive space.  I run backup
also so even if a failure occures the information is saved.  Memory is
being increased from 256 megs by adding another 128 megs of memory which
should arrive in 3 days this memory on the computer is ECC error correcting
memory bring the total to 384 megabytes.  The nice thing about this setup
is that it basicly works in real time and as soon as I type and press the
save key its on the internet.
Bruce Gaylord (americanised from the french Gaillard)
[log in to unmask]
advancedhelp.org mastered with a complement of 5 ferrets here :-)
(on some cached servers you might have to add the www since this site is
Permission from places like ferretcentral etc were asked in advance and
given credit as links for the index
[Posted in FML issue 3137]