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Sun, 23 Jul 2000 13:20:49 -0700
nikie dover <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Hi everyone and my condolonces to everyone who has lost a fuzzie or has a
sick fuzzie.
and just a foremention I finally graduated from nursing school last
thursday YEAH!!!!!
Anyway to the reason I was posting.  I can't remember who posted it but
someone posted about her ferret Calvin being Fat and how she could slim him
down.  In the same post she put that his head is always in the snack bowl
and she can't resist even though she gives too many.  Well first, giving
too many treats is bad for more than weight, if he is filling up on treats
how much room is he leaving for his food which contains all the nutrients
he needs?  (knowing ferrets probably not much )  So the easy way to slim
him down is stop giving sooo many snacks.
Second and I know I'm probably going to catch it for saying this so let me
strap on my seat belt and get ready for the lash, if he is healthy who
cares if he is fat?  now wait there is a difference between fat and obesse,
but I have a male (odie or chunk as we lovingly call him) and he tops out
at 5lbs15oz so just 1 oz short of 6 lbs, he is in perfect health, now I"m
not a big snack giver the ocassional raisin once in a great while so he
snacks on his food, but he is perfectly healthy keeps up fine with the
littler ones, and my vet said don't let him get much bigger but at this
point he is on the large side but healthy.  and he is the perfect size for
cuddling, although the others won't let him sleep in the hammock, they all
get out if he gets in he squishes them but they are more than willing to
sleep on him in the hammock, and us humans love to cuddle him.  so stop
giving unhealthy snacks all the time and as long as he is healthy don't
worry about it.  Now you can start the lashings my seatbelt is fastened
securly *giggle*
Nikie, Max, Odie, Chloe, daisy,&muffin the honorary ferret.
[Posted in FML issue 3122]