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Fri, 30 Jun 2000 23:47:46 EDT
Sandy Repper <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Time for some more ferretisms,a la Taz.Honey and Sugar were listening
closely,but Boris had his nose in the food dish.
1.A hidden sock is a safe sock.
2.An empty corner simply must be filled.
3.A good hidey hole is an unfound hidey hole.
4.China can be found in the dirt,so dig,dig,dig.
5.A filled food dish is an invitation to find that perfect piece,usually
found on the bottom of the bowl.
6.All closed doors must be slithered under or teleportation used to get to
the other side.Rumor has it that the mother lode of raisins is on the other
side of one of those doors.
7.Flying is fun,especially onto humans.
8.Cats are toys,use them.
9.If it's worth dancing,it's worth dancing wildly.
10.A good vacuum cleaner is a dead vacuum cleaner.
11.The best happy ferret dance is bouncing off of walls,doors,legs,other
animals,and anything else you can find.
12.Ferretone is a good thing.
13.When caught claim,it's a ferret thing,you wouldn't understand.
14.If it's worth stealing,it's worth keeping.
15.An open door is a challenge.
16.Baths are bad.Showers and snorkeling in water dishes are good.
17.Toes are tasty. (Sugar really believes this one.)
18.If it looks interesting,get in or on it.Your human will save you.
19.A treat saved is a treat that can be eaten later,after you beg for more.
20.A treat in your humans hand is worth two jumps.After that,flat ferret
and get the sympathy treat.
21.A ferret in the hand must squirm to get down,to chase the two that went
in their hidey hole to get that stashed treat.
Have a fuzzy day.
Sandy and the five ferretisms
[Posted in FML issue 3099]