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Sun, 25 Jun 2000 22:47:30 +0100
Alison Skipper <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
I'm acting as a messenger here.  I don't know any of the people involved
I'm a vet in the UK, interested in exotics (and I have two ferrets, which
is why I lurk here).  On a list for exotics vets that I also belong to, a
colleague wanted to get in contact with any UK breeders of quality ferrets,
because a contact in the US would like to import some UK ferrets to breed
from.  My colleague didn't know where to get in contact with UK breeders,
so I offered to help him.  If anyone in the UK would be interested in
following up this contact with a US ferret breeder, or knows someone who
might be, please email me privately.  As I said, I am just acting as a
messenger and don't know the name of the US person involved - I'm just
trying to do my colleague a favour.  As my own ferrets are rescues, I
don't know any UK breeders myself.
Thanks in advance,
Alison Skipper
PS   And a very belated (about four months belated) thanks to those who
gave me advice before when I posted about Baldrick biting ankles.  The
information was very helpful.  Baldrick now has a friend (Queenie) whom
he loves dearly, and they bite each other in play instead of us, which
keeps everyone happy!
[Posted in FML issue 3094]