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Tue, 20 Jun 2000 23:45:52 +0200
Juan Mic <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Hi, this is my first post.  I'd just like to know if there are any cases
like mine:
I just happen to own a calm and tranquil ferret, yes you read that right.
Isn't that just a contradiction in itself??  Don't be alarmed, Kassi's
perfectly healthy and all, but her personality just doesn't match what I
read about other ferrets.
I bought her a month ago when she was 6 weeks old.  She would do the usual
nipping and learned not to in just three days and has already shown extreme
fondness towards me.  She will clearly show me when she wants to sleep so I
let her curl up on my hand against my stomach.
There is a mischievous vein in there, don't go to think, like she'll go
straight to the kitchen as soon as I open the door 'cause she knows that's
exactly where I don't want her to go (I feel uncomfortable about the
potential dangers, and so I block her access), but apart from that and a
few other minor things she's pretty tame and "obedient".
Have I got a ferret from another planet?  Well, considering this list is
mostly American and I live in Barcelona, Spain, maybe there's a difference
between American and European ferrets, I don't know.
I tend to think animals' behaviour can't really be classified, like I know
of plenty of cats who behave exactly like dogs because they grew up among
them, it all depends on what behaviour they learn.  In fact, most of my
other pets are reptiles, with the exception of a parrot and herself, so
maybe she's got the stillness from them, as she doesn't live in a cage.
Anyway, this is the country of surrealism, or so they say...
[Posted in FML issue 3089]