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Sat, 19 Oct 1991 22:04:37 -0000
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I don't post often but had to comment on a few things.
On the yellow fur I have seen yellow fur in my ferrets.  The first was
MIkey.  He is sorta a chocolate sable but is a little on the dark side in
the winter.  In the winter his cream undercoat takes on a yellow tinge
bordering on darker yellow in spots.  He has been this way the last two
winters that I have had him.  But this only happens when the winter coat
comes in.  I don't bathe them on a regular basis but kinda judge by the
white ones I have.  When they start to look a little dingy, then everyone
gets a bath.  It usually happens about every two or three months depending
on what they have been playing in or on.  But this yellow does not wash
out.  He eats a mixture of Totally Ferret, Superior Choice and a high grade
of kitten food as do they all.  When summer comes he will turn lighter and
get back the cream undercoat again.  He is a MF ferret about 3 years old
(approximate as he is a rescue)but not the usual.  I have some other MF
and they are smaller lighter boned.  He is large for a MF.  Large bones,
big head, large paws, and large body and weighs in about 3 1/2 lbs maybe
a little more but not fat.  He moves fairy quickly when he plays.
The second one was Snuffles.  She is also an MF sorta a silver but in old
age is turning white.  She will be 6 in April.  She had adrenal surgury
in Feb and the left was removed.  She had gone bald on her back to the
shoulders and down her flanks to the base of her tail.  The fur went quick
and til we got her to surgery it she was bald on top.  Anyway she had her
surgery and about 2 weeks later the fur started to come back the brightest
yellow you have ever seen.  Put Mikey to shame.  Here is this ferret
running around yellow on top and white on the bottom.  What would you
classify her as .  A two tone silver.  I noticed this fall the fur has
gotten a lot lighter and I think she will probably return to white again
this summer.
I have been reading the TTP controversary on here.  For once I have to
agree with Ann and a few other posters.  No one seems to know what is going
on and is jumping to a lot of conclusions.  Here is a conclusion that no
one has jumped at yet.  Perhaps they were also apalled at the conditions
at TTP and having the funds and the opportunity, puchased the whole lot to
improve their conditions.  Maybe they don't plan on breeding on a large
scale at all.  The kits they have for sale and the ones they are showing
may be the best of what is left over from the previous breeder and and the
ones that are sellable are being sold off to reduce numbers to an easier
more manageable number.  (I know that sounds callous but I don't mean it to
be as I probably didn't write it correctly)  I know money can buy quality
staff if the person in charge is considerate they will get rid of the ones
that are below standard and get others until they have a quality staff that
can be trusted.  Contrary to popular opinion there are some good employees
left out there.
Just my opinion and my two cents worth.
[Posted in FML issue 3212]