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Tue, 26 Sep 2000 14:16:09 EDT
Kim Schilling <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
>From:    "Tim C. Watson" <[log in to unmask]>
>I received conformation tonight that my book is on the way.  As a owner of
>43 "... for Dummies" books on computer subjects and another dozen or so on
>non-computer subjects including Cats for Dummies; I can seriously recommend
>"Dummies" books to anyone.  I've been working with computers since 1976
>and still learn things with "Dummies" books.  Don't let the title "... for
>Dummies" turn you off to the books.  They are just well done books in easy
>to read and understand form.  I suspect "Ferrets for Dummies" will be the
Tim, thanks for the plug.  It's nice to get some positive feedback on the
FML.  I can tell you I cried like a baby when they changed the title from
"The Wonderful World of Ferrets" to "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ferrets"
to "Ferrets for Dummies".  Some people told me not to worry about the title
change.  Some e-mailed that they would NEVER buy a book with such a title.
I think it'll be their loss.  It's been 3 long years in the making and it
is out.  I'll have 100 copies of it at the Chicago show Saturday.
In terms of the Dummies title, this one wasn't written with the simplicity
they asked for.  I refused.  It's got some pretty high level information
in it compared to other "Dummies" books.  With the help of about 23 people
(most on the FML), including some great ferret vets, the entire book
including the medical section was reviewed and given a thumbs up.
I will say one thing, though.....I tried to remove as many "ferts" as
possible and I think the editor got lazy and left many in....You'll see
what I mean.  I hope everyone likes it, but I know I won't please everyone.
There are those who live to criticize.
When I first announced a few years ago that I was asked to write it, I was
bombarded with some VERY nasty, mean-spirited e-mails from some people on
the FML.  A few of those people I ignored.  Some of these same people
actually came to support me all the way.  To those people, thank you.  I
also have come to learn that some people actually dislike me simply because
I wrote the book.......and these people don't even know me.  For that, I'm
sorry.  Some of these very people and their companies I've promoted in
the book simply because I thought it would be the right thing to do and I
believe in what these people have to offer.......despite my hurt feelings.
I realize I'm a "no one" on this list, as most of my past posts go
unanswered or unacknowledged.  That's ok - that's why I rarely post.  All
I can say is that I worked my butt off on this book and I couldn't have
done it without the help of several of you whom I've acknowledged both in
the book and in a previous FML post.  You are wonderful people!  I did my
best.  I wrote it for my ferrets and I wrote it for your ferrets.  It's
funny, serious, light-hearted and very personal all at the same time.  I
do hope those of you who do buy it find it worthy of your praise.
Back to the shadows I lurk....
Take care, everyone.
Kim Schilling
[Posted in FML issue 3187]