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Fri, 22 Sep 2000 15:33:24 -0400
text/plain (47 lines)
First off: Thank you to everyone who responded.  While the outlook is not
great, it seems to be a lot less gloomy than initially expected.
The Lymphosarcoma dianosis came from lab work done by an internist.
Several Xrays and Sonograms show a very large tumor.  Little doubt that
this is what we are up against.
The little guy is on prednisone to ease the symptoms and this makes him
feel a bit better.  His attitude is generally good.  Lately we've been
zonking him with St. John's Wort to make sure he gets rest.  (Us too!)
He is also getting a very heavy herbal regimen suggested by a friend in MD
who has had a lot of experience and luck with this with her ferrets and who
helped us quite a bit with some of our older ferrets who seemed to amaze
vets by hanging on long after they "should" have given their medical
conditions and histories.
Bottom line is that the little furt has a massive tumor in his chest.  Last
Thursday he started chemo with adriamycin.  He is tolerating it well, but
it certainly knocked the wind out of his sails.  The tumor is still there
obviously, and we will try to size it again when he goes for his next
The local vets are very upbeat and optimistic, and the little jerk amazed
them by sleeping on his back, rolling into shrimp shape, and generally
acting normal.  Tired, but pretty normal.
His diet is Gerbers Chicken with Gravy laced with meds/herbals and watered
down with Pedialyte.  He has no shortage of appetite and knows the general
vicinity of the litter pan.  He stays pretty alert with up periods and some
downers.  (A variation of this recipe kept Richard going for years.  Even
spoiled him into EXPECTING to be syringe fed.)
In short, per the vet today, he's hanging in there at least as well as can
be expected.  Indeed, he's doing better now than when this all broke out
last week.  Now if only WE could come down from the ceiling!
Thank you all for the words of encouragement, references to other sites
with positive info, etc.  BTW: the subject of this message has just awaked
and is sitting in a laundry basket biting his nails and backside.( Well,
there are some things he'll just have to do for himself.)
[Posted in FML issue 3183]