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Mon, 18 Sep 2000 04:19:56 GMT
Caterina Venturelli <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Please post this (is my final point to this kind of debate):
Dear FML friends,
I have always felt and still feel free to talk to you and share and ask for
advice.  I have made wonderful friends here.  After sharing my view about
what happens here in Mexico and reading many posts that understood what I
was trying to say and some that not, I was ready to let things go on in
this list and do not add a single word about this story and let you belive
what you want to belive.  But what I am not going to allow is that some
touchy ones pretend to make my description and exageration which I am so,
so sorry to say it is not.  Unfortunatelly every single word is true.
Ochoa admits: " What this lady mentions is quite true!!!"
So up to here we are correct, which I think is already the worst part of
the story.  But then she says: "...only happen in quite forgotten
And is here where I must strongly desagree.  I said 6 million nobody dogs,
you can be sure this is not in forgotten places, unless she thinks all the
city is a forgotten place which could be for me more acceptable.  I know
that more people like my mother, go to rescue and adopt as much animals as
they can but I repeat this is not a rule and besides my mail was purpously
focused on showing what is wrong, so it was not that I forgot the good
things, I said they exist and there is nobody that will be more happy to
see that good things were the double at least of the wrong ones.  I doubt
Mrs. Ochoa has been in so many reasearch institutes as me.  I studied
pharmacology at La Salle university, I have a master in sciences in
Genetics and by the end of this year I will be finishing my PhD in
Molecular Biology.  I have visited laboratories in Switzerland (Zurich),
France (Strassbourg), Italy (Milano) and worked in Germany (Munich) for
several months.  I am serious when I say that there is no ethic in our
research labs, and I am definitely not proud of it, I wish I were wrong
and I were exagerating, I am the first of being hurt and ashamed of this
situation.  I love all animals and I adore as my own child, my little
angel Gigio, I am not here to scare anybody with halloween tales.
This is my final point about this.
A hug and kisses to all your fuzzies.
Best reagards,
Cathie and Gigio.
[Posted in FML issue 3178]