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Sat, 16 Sep 2000 23:17:57 -0400
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shetler <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Today after I got home from a "Rescue" Group meeting, and having a doctor
tell me the ER Doctor should have put stitches in my index finger, I will
have a nasty scar.  I saw a cage on the porch as I pulled in the driveway.
Hmm, so I get out, not a bad looking cage, a nice one.  with two
hammocks hanging in it..  Best investigate.  I look in and what do I
find?  Two ferrets, one male chocolate, and one female, sliver mitt.
Both are about two.  I really needed this.
Since the beginning of September I have taken in two lost ferrets from
animal control, four abandoned ferrets from vets, one neglect case, two
left on my porch, and I am suppose to be getting back four ferrets that
were adopted from a closed shelter two years ago.
Today alone I got calls from 8 people wanting to turn in their ferrets,
totaling 19 ferrets. I told them no.  I cannot take in anymore, what
happens, this one person tells me I am a lousy %($&%((%&% witch for not
taking her ferrets!!  I was inconveniencing her!!
I am so tired of people.  They make an appointment, you confirm, they
don't show.  Happens allot.  I am also tired of bickering, pettiness,
and just people being nasty to each other.
Here is something else I am tired of, I am tired of people telling me
what I should be doing, and what I am doing wrong.  You should be
rotating the ferrets more, you should be doing education, you should be
doing fund raising, you should be changing the bedding more often, you
shouldn't use that detergent.  You should be adopting more, you should
take in more. You should get more water bottles. You should, you should
you should.  Oh, and never an offer to help do any of the you shoulds.
I am so tired of that you should stuff, when I hear it,  my response is,
either help do something or shut up.  (Ok, there are a few other words
too, but I want to keep this clean)
I get up in the morning about 5:30, rotate kids, pick up accidents, check
food and water, have coffee, shower, go to work, I get off work any where
between 5:00 and 6:00.  I take 15 minutes when I get home and have a cup of
coffee.  Then rotate kids, and clean ferret rooms.  Right now it takes a 4
hours to do each room right.  Shake out bedding, wipe down cage mats, clean
out drip crock, fresh water, check nails, ears, pick up, sweep and mop the
floor.  In between all that, there is the phone to deal with.  Around
10:30, 11:00 it is dinner time.  Usually fast food, and the cheapest thing
on the menu.  Talk to hubby during dinner, now it is 11:30 /12:00, bed
time.  Two hours later, I wake up, rotate kids and go back to bed.  Then it
starts all over again.  So if any one can tell me how I am suppose to to
all those things I should, please let me know.  Cause maybe I am sleeping
too much, or talking to my husband too much.  I know it isn't because of
the human kids, they've grown.
Ok, so I vented.  I don't feel better, cause all the problems are still
there, the biggest is time, that is why I keep telling you folks,
volunteer at your local shelter, and please be dependable.  It really
sucks when you think you have help and they don't show.
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
PS Our numbers just hit over 70 again.  I am NOT taking in any ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 3177]