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Mon, 28 Aug 2000 16:10:22 -0400
Shane Kulsic <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
We already have 4 fuzzies and never had a problem with litter training
them.  We just got a new one yesterday and already we can tell he is gonna
be a handful to litter train.  He's a little over 2 months old and very
cute.  :) Our guess is that the store we bought him from wasn't using a
litter pan but instead allowing them to just go in the corner... the
bedding in the corner the same as they sleep on.  He, named Beep, has gone
EVERYWHERE so far, but only once has he gone in the litter box.  He has
even gone in his food.  Instead of going in the litter box, he pushes the
poop out of the way and sleeps in it.  Any ideas on where to start?
Also, because we just got him, we are a little worried about any kind of
sickness.  He's had very loose feces since we got him, with only a slight
greenish/grayish tint.  To rule out ECE, does anyone know where we can see
a picture (as gross as it may sound)?  Thanks..
Shane and Amy
Baby Beep will be on the webpage soon.
[Posted in FML issue 3158]