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Wed, 26 Jul 2000 13:03:45 -0500
Debi & David Christy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Just the plain, non-coated banana chips are fine.  Just be sure to break
them up into smaller pieces.  Since they are dehydrated, it takes alot of a
ferret's digestive track time just to soften them up... large particles can
cause a blockage in the intestinal track (since they don't digest fruits &
vegetables well).  Particles that partially block the digestive tract
can irritate the intestinal lining and cause ulcers or infections.  Any
dehydrated fruit or vegetable should be broken into pieces.  I even smush
Your ferret will actually probably appreciate real bananas even more than
the chips.  Other fruit/veggie treats include cantaloupe, watermelon,
apple(sauce is best), and grapes.  I've got one little girl who'll get
violent for carrots and try to take the whole bag, hissing at me all the
time.  But, like apples & cantaloupe, carrots need to be shredded.
Just bear in mind: these are treats, not nutrition.  The best treats are
the ones that are beneficial to your ferret's health.  My favorite is the
tartar control cat treats.  There are different brands and different
flavors to please just about every fuzzy in every business.  Five or six of
these during a week really does make a big difference in tartar buildup.
I've got a 2 1/2 year-old that's never had her teeth cleaned yet she has
perfect pearly whites like an 8 month old.  However, you should be cautious
with these treats if you have a ferret that does not tolerate corn gluten
meal well.
Debi Christy
Ferrets First Foster Home
[Posted in FML issue 3125]