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Wed, 26 Jul 2000 16:29:20 -0700
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi all
Da survey is mostly complete and I think I have talked to da majority.  But
I will start over and check again in a little while.  You never know there
might be someone out there with a need dat I missed.
A little girl came in today.  She said her name waz Cassie.  Buddy waz here
to meet her.  They were happy to see each other He waz really interested
in what had been going on at home as he had been gone for some time.  They
talked and talked.  They wondered over to da Babyfood Balcony and had some
lunch while they talked.  After quite a long time they wondered off with
Buddy showing her all da sights and attractions.  She said to tell her
daddy dat she felt much better and hadn't felt this good in many years.
She said to send her luv and lots of hugs and kisses.
It took me some time to dig out Joey in da puter but I finally found it.  I
went to where he was.  He had carved out a nice cosy den and tunnel system
in Dirt Mountain.  He had quite a stash there to and there waz a few items
dat looked interesting.  He would not let me get to close to it though.  We
talked for some time and I gave him your message.  He said he missed you to
and he hadn't forgotten you and waz still waiting patiently.  He knew hiz
wait would be over someday.  He said he waz doing real good and had almost
everything he wanted.  He said to tell hiz mommy dat he luved her bunches
and to send a few cuddles along to.
I think I am going to da races again.  It waz fun da other day.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3125]