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Print Reply
Sat, 22 Jul 2000 13:58:41 -0600
Randy Horton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Baby ferrets have a natural immunity from certain things including
distemper for around 8 weeks.  At that point, they should start a regimen
of three distemper shots to protect them from distemper.  Failure to do
the 3 shot every 4 weeks plan will greatly endanger your ferrets future.
We don't insist on Rabies vaccine here and while some may think that's
irresponsible bx for a shelter, there has only been one documented cases of
rabies in a domesticated ferret in the history of Colorado.  That was back
in 1976 according to the state vet.  They have to be bitten by a rabid
animal and it cannot be transmitted by insects.
Also, for those of you who are having a hard time finding TF for the kids,
The older Tf formula was not affected by this and most stores should have
some of it.  It tastes the same as the regular formula and is only short
15% fat from the reg formula.  Some places it's also cheaper.  And for
those of you who have very fat and chunky ferrets, beware, they can get
heart disease just like us, so feeding the FFFFs ( Fery Fat Fuzzy Ferts)
the older formula is good for weight loss.
Also for anyone who is keeping track, I have now went thru 800+ Fervac
Distemper vaccinations without a single bad reaction.  I had 1 ferret who
got a bump on his neck that stayed for a week , but that is all.  I think
my theory about using bottles of vaccine that have lost their vacumn may
have some validity.  Anyone else find a bottle of the vaccine that has
lost its vacumn?
Hugs to all
[Posted in FML issue 3121]