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Wed, 5 Jul 2000 09:38:30 -0400
Dean and Becky DeGeer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hi, everyone.  I'm starting a Vet Tech program this fall, and at the
orientation, me and one of the other students started talking about
ferrets.  One of hers, Buddy, is having a problem, and her vet doesn't
know how to fix it, so I was hoping someone might have some suggestions.
Her vet doesn't normally do ferrets, but she trusts him, and he's doing
his best to learn.  Here's the problem:
He had a lump on top of his head, so she took him in and they ran a biopsy
on it.  It turned out to be a benign neoplasia, which has started to grow.
The lump has to be removed, but it's attached to the skull.  When the vet
tried to remove it, the skull started to crack from the vibration of the
tool, and he had to stop.  They have to wait for the skull to heal before
they can try again, and hope it doesn't happen again.
The problem is, if it's not removed, it will continue to grow, and
eventually start to crush the skull and damage the brain.  The vet
estimated that he will only have about a year left if the growth isn't
removed.  They have consulted with other vets in the area, and no one
there seems to know what to do.  Has anyone here ever heard of this, or
does anyone have any suggestions on other things to try?
She hasn't given me permission to post her email, so please mail any
responses to me, and I'll forward them on to her.  Also, please don't post
to the FML, because we're in the middle of moving, so I won't have time to
check it.
Thank you all!!
Bright Blessings,
Becky (with Cinnamon, Coke, Pixie, Chitterbox, and Kodi-Bear)
[Posted in FML issue 3104]