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Sat, 1 Jul 2000 08:56:20 -0700
Marie Schatz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
My sister has had two and was on the doxie list for awhile - she asked them
what they thought of ferrets and doxies.  One guy had done it.  Almost all
thought it was a resoundingly bad idea.  I can't say positively but I think
when doxies were developed for hunting badgers they were a blend of terrier
and hound.  Both hounds and terriers are pretty independent and not real
obediant.  Doxies can be extremely tenacious - have to be our why would
they go down a hole and take on a badger?!?  They just don't take no for an
answer!  Generally they have high prey drives.  Jake, her dog attacked the
cage I had some rescue ferrets in - no doubt in my mind he was attempting
to kill them.
Every animal is an individual and there will always be exceptions to the
rule.  That doesn't mean you totally through out the rule.  Me personally -
I feel like why make my life harder and narrow my chances of success?
Especially when a ferret life is at stake.  I'd say there are breeds with a
better chance of success (which means your ferret lives).  Try something
like a Papillion or a Pug if you want a smaller dog.
If you must try the doxie routeI would really really suggest breed rescue.
That way you can ask for a doxie that gets along with other dogs and cats,
i.e. you know has a lower prey drive and maybe an easier going personality.
Rescue will usually take the dog back if an initial trial doesn't work out.
IMHO getting them as a puppy isn't all that big an advantage.  If you
get a dog from hunting lines and are a lazy trainer - you just shot any
advantage.  I'm not sure why people think puppies are an advantage - its
tough to tell their temperment at that age.  Do people really think they
"know" that ferrets are family?  I don't think dogs think that way.  Adult
dogs are usually at least aware of taking direction/commands from people
and have the added advantage of not being so hyper playful out of their
minds that they actually hear you.
If you must buy from a breeder I'd make sure they know you have ferrets and
that they agree to take the dog back (usually they won't give you all your
money back just so you know) if it doesn't work out.
"For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts;
even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other;
yea they have all one breath;
so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast:
for all is vanity. "
Ecclesiastes 3:19
[Posted in FML issue 3100]