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Wed, 21 Jun 2000 07:17:46 -0400
"Diane L. Hinck" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
Greetings to all fuzzers and owners.  I watched a horrifying show on MSNBC
the other day at work about "puppy mills".  They did an investigation
through Petco and some other stores about "breeders".  I was appalled at
the government's head "vet" guy- don't remember the guy's name- some Dr.
that is so politically involved it is disgusting.  The conditions at these
so called "breeders" was repulsive- It broke my heart.  All I could think
about at the time was my little fuzzers- and God forbid that there are
"ferret mills" out there too.  These so called government inspectors
somehow passed these "mills" and a month later all the dogs were dead?
They starved to death and were left laying all over the ground.  The
governments response- "no comment".
It upsets me to see so many people on this list "bashing" others- I joined
this list to gain knowledge to help my little ones, and to meet other
ferret lovers.  "Why can't we all just get along?"  Let's put our efforts
in making this world a better place- let's "bash" the government Vet Dr.
instead!  If dog's are supposed to be Man's best friend and #1 pet, how
can the government pass these so called puppy "breeders" on an inspection?
They also throw sick puppies into a furnace alive.- What in God's name do
you think some so called ferret breeders do?  Does anyone know where to
begin to research this?  Is anyone else interested in this?
I know I have personally received numerous support for my Gizmo off of
this list, (She just finished her last chemo treatment and is doing good-
by the way) and for my other fuzzers when needed.  There are a ton of
ferret lovers on here- isn't that why we're on here?  So stop the bickering
amongst yourselves- Remember the saying "opinions are like @**h***s,
everyone's got one?"  I use that one a lot at work- and consider that.  So
what if "Adam" doesn't like what "Eve" said and vice versa- "get over it!"
There are a lot more issues to be dealt with that we can do something
Any comments from the editor on this?
Hugs and Dooks to all- Diane L. Hinck , Gizmo, Sammy, & Nipper (who also
needs some prayers)
[Moderator's note: Please note I consider myself more of a moderator than
an editor -- I don't alter what people wrote but I do sometimes decide
something is not appropriate to post.
Anyhow, sure, a couple of comments.  In a sense a list of this size is a
bit of a microcosm, though on a much more manageable scale.  We ARE united
here, primarily for the ferrets, though many other social interactions
occur as well.  Countless ferrets have been aided over the years.  Our
dedication is not in question, at least to me.
But, this is also the real world.  People have strong opinions (dedicated
people often do).  Some have difficulty communicating (for a great many,
English is not the primary language).  Ways of phrasing things vary by
region and culture.  And, yes, sometimes someone just has a bad day!  (OK,
some seem to have more bad days than others, but I digress.)  We just CAN'T
agree on everything: just look at the pet store issue, for example.  Some
of us support them, some of us shun them.  Most of us are somewhere in the
middle, but that does not mean I don't want to hear from the entire group.
I know you are saying that we should be able to tone things down a bit
while still being able to offer our opinions.  That's where I come in: I
decide, guided partly by experience and partly by previous feedback, if a
post goes too far.  Now and then, posts DO get held back.  But, you see,
my opinion of what goes too far likely differs from yours.  Some people
think I'm too strict, others that I'm too lenient!  So while I hear you,
I don't think we can satisfy everyone, but I know our hearts are in the
right place.
Finally, let me offer one more example.  How about a close group...say, a
family.  Surely most individuals in a family love and care for each other.
But... ever have a horrible fight with a sibling?  Ever yell at a parent?
Do partners argue?  Guess what though: most of learn to concentrate on the
positive aspects of the relationships and accept the occasional problems!
Sometimes the problems even make us stronger.  I think we're like that
here too.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3090]