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Wed, 7 Jun 2000 10:26:42 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
Opps -- those shelter people spend in the 5 figures some years.  Never said
that I can count, now, did I?
Dead ferret syndrome: these guys can sleep very, very deeply, especially
after a very active day and even more so if there is insulinoma starting.
They don't smell dead, though, you can hear their hearts if you listen, and
you can additionally place a mirror near their nostrils and watch the fog
form, plus they are warm.  Many tend to get wonderful sleep smells when
they are very out of it -- often on their hands or bellies.  Some do it
more than others.  Corn fritters are what some smell like then, but none
we've known through the years beat Warp who --when she is well -- gets a
rich bakery smell, not the confectioner's sugar scent of a lousy bakery but
that rich smell which says that buttery cakes are baking in the back.  We
can judge Warp's recovery form thing by the degree of sleep smell.
Susan, have not been through the nerve inflammation from injection thing in
a ferret so don't know how long recover from that can take them; do be in
touch regularly with vet on that.  Had a dentist do that to half my tongue
almost 30 years ago; recall it took a few months for me have sensations
beyond deep pressure on that side.  Humans may take longer or shorter,
though; don't know.  I'd suspect that ferrets are usually faster given the
time-frame when Spot was recovering form a large stroke, but that's only a
suspicion.  Call your vet.
>thru the mall and stopped in our local pet store.  They have a huge sign
>up that says "We Do Not and Will Not Carry Ferrets Under 12 weeks Old".
Wouldn't it be wonderful if more stores went with this and then even more
and more?  Think of the positive impact on shipping ages and related health
Cris, what was the second killing and when?  Hadn't read about that having
happened.  They'd claimed to have reviewed policies and reminded their
workers afte Boe who they admitted should not have died.  One after that
incident isbad news, indeed.
Bev, Eric's health has been very bad ( no exaggeration) and they have not
had the funds to get out the latest issue, yet.  They are selling copies of
the new book (which compiles the answer columns and adds new info) to fund
the next issue's publishing.  This was complicated by there being only two
publishers which distribute to pet stores.  One is Fancy so you immediately
see the problems there and there were others which make no sense for Modern
Ferret what-so-ever.  The other is their old publisher which has decided to
distribute only their own publications.  Without Eric's extra income and
with the money drain from him being so very sick, plus Mary's needing to
care for him when he's especially bad they are in a very uncomfortable
postion both for time and money.
Regina, it is interesting that you are allergic to cats and to intact male
ferrets.  Steve has exactly the same combo.  We have read of several others
who are allergic only to intact male ferrets but never thought to ask if
any of those were also allergic to cats.  Anyone else here with this combo?
Certainly, people can be allergic to all sorts of things, though, including
[Posted in FML issue 3076]