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Fri, 2 Jun 2000 08:20:30 -0400
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I replied directly to Rick, but I feel that the people here are missing the
issue completely.  When Rick states that he doesn't care about the reason
for surrender he means that it is not the issue at hand.  I, too, have gone
through what Rick is going through, and it is very disheartening.
Some ferts bond very closely with their owners and they do not understand
why they are in a strange place.  They only know that they are afraid and
alone.  All the love you can give them goes for naught.  It is very sad
to fight tooth and nail to save a ferret only to have it die in your arms.
I feel that Rick is angry and saddened by the loss of these little guys.
He is venting.  He asked Shelters and Rescues to respond because he was
looking for help to try and stop the losing of ferts that came into his
care.  Since it is "spring cleaning" time we are feeling the crunch.  With
so many coming in it is even harder to give the one on one care they need.
A ferret may be fine for a week, possibly two, and then start showing the
signs of stress.  Everything Rick said is true.  We had one get out to play
and go and sleep in the litter box instead.  Depression-oh yes-big time.
Did we save Him--sadly, no.
Do we care why you are surrendering?  NO!!!  That is not the issue.  It
does not matter.  What does matter is the life of the ferret.  Will the
ferret survive being dumped.  Some come through with flying colors-others
It was never my intention to run a ferret shelter.  I had plenty of other
things to do with my time, money and life.  But when a vet, pet store,
neighbor or other person calls you about a ferret that is no longer wanted,
what are you to do?  The decision was not made by us, it was made by a
Higher Power.  If He did not have it in his scheme of things we would not
have been called.  When I was young (a long time ago) I wanted to be a
social worker.  Growing up poor and no grants available at the time I
could not afford the college.  I am now doing my own social work with the
animals.  I would not go back in time and say no to this calling.
Hang in there Rick.
[Posted in FML issue 3071]