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Thu, 1 Jun 2000 11:14:23 -0400
text/plain (36 lines)
I'm please to announce that I adopted two babies from Ferrets Unlimited
in Cleveland, Ohio.  It was a very hard decision being that Jean has so
many wonderful, sweet ferrets young and old that need a home.  All of the
ferrets I played with there are so full of life and love playing with
people.  I adopted Pooh Bear from Jean about three years ago.  He is a
role model ferret, he's everybodies favorite ... except for mine of course
because all my babies are my favorites.
I adopted an male albino that is about five years old.  He was a whole male
when he was found in the metro parks in Cleveland three weeks ago.  Jean
had him fixed.  He also had to have his bottom canines cut down because
one top canine is missing and one is broken.  This caused his bottoms ones
to be cutting into his lips.  Jean named him Wuv Bug because he's such a
sweetie ... I might be renaming him, maybe something from Disney's new
Dinosaur movie.  I haven't seen it yet, if anyone has any suggestions, let
me know.
The other is a male sable 11 month old, I named Tantor.  He is wild a man,
I don't think he ever goes to sleep.
I wish I could have taken more but I'm at sixteen, I think this is my
limit.  I have two groups with 8 in each.
There were two there who were a very close second ... their names are Zeus
and Hercules.  They were about 1 1/2 or 2 years old, very personable and
very playful.  But once I saw Wuv Bug I couldn't leave him there, older
ferrets are so sweet and deserve a home that they can call theirs for the
rest of their life.
I just have to say that if you get a chance, go to Ferrets Unlimited or a
shelter close to you and adopt.  Give a shelter ferret(s:) another chance
at being loved unconditionally ... forever.
[Posted in FML issue 3070]