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Thu, 25 May 2000 22:09:06 -0000
D CHRISTEN <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi All,
I am very tired...it has been a long day...full of activity and keeping up
w/the antics of all the little ones.
I have lost the last letter i was trying to send, due to my lack of rest?
Who knows.  I will keep this brief as i don't want to occupy too much space
on the fml.
Odie is holding his own.  I have gotten some very sincere replys to my
plea for prayers.  I appreciate them all...i have gotten some very sound
advice also.  Thank you Troy Lynn for the recipes and all other helpful
information.  Still apologizing for the err.  I am not myself these past
few days, i think the stress of trying to get Odie taken care of and
knowing i must return to work in a few days is taxing.  Hard to concentrate
at work, when your little ones are home sick.  I am still waiting for a
reply from some folks that i have asked a few questions, i hope that i do
get replys.
Thank you all.
Sincerely, Donna & all her furbabies...
[Posted in FML issue 3063]