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Mon, 15 May 2000 13:46:18 -0500
Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Swiffer is doing well.  Thank you for asking.  He never gained back the use
of his back legs.  His pelvis was long ago crushed and although our vet
said there is always hope.... Swiffer gets around just fine, pulling
himself along.  I never know where I'll find him!  I do have to express his
bladder for him but he can tell when he has to do the other and he'll get
out of bed and sometimes he'll even make it to the papers (rarely but
that's o.k.).  The one problem we've encountered is that because Swiffer is
handicapped, he doesn't play.  When one of the others tries to play with
him he whines or hollers (doesn't scream) and I come running to save him.
Sometimes after I express him and run warm water over his belly I'll hold
him on his back and he'll kick his back legs.  He'll really get them going
as he splatters water all over me.  I think he does it on purpose. :-)
I considered a cart for Swiffer's back end, but he is free roam and we have
stairs so I thought it better not too.  Swiffer doesn't try the stairs at
all and just in case he does there is a ramp there too.
Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
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[Posted in FML issue 3053]