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Mon, 1 May 2000 17:44:11 -0400
"Caitlyn M. Martin" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
Hi, everyone,
I see we are in our latest round of MF bashing.  For example:
>Another shelter operator near our area thinks the MF are more prone to
>health problems and cancer in particular and tend to die younger than
>ferrets from private breeders.
How large a sample size is that?  What kind of scientific study has been
done?  Without something concrete, this becomes an opinion that may or
may *not* be based in fact.  It becomes just more anecdotal data.  Here is
some more anecdotal data: a friend of my brother's has two 12 year old MF
fuzzies, neither of which has ever had a major health problem.  The pair
were bought as kits in late 1987.  They have slowed down quite a bit, but
they still are alive and well.  Now, I wouldn't for a minute expect that my
MF ferrets will live to be 12, or never have a health problem.  It's a true
story, but it doesn't paint an accurate picture, does it?
>A number of you have written that MF papers are basically worthless.  You
>have ferrets with the MF guarantee papers-but the color or sex is wrong of
>the ferret you have.  The guarantee is a copy.  You never see an original.
Actually, real MF papers have great value.  When my housemate's ferret has
an anal gland abscess, which meant her decscenting was not done properly,
MF reimbursed him for the full vet bill, even though it exceeded the
warranty.  Bogus, counterfeit MF papers have no value.  Real ones are
important.  So... how is it Marshall Farms' fault if some unethical pet
store or distributor is doing something wrong with the papers?  I'd bet
Marshall Farms would love to hear about it and do something about it.
Please, do respond to Bill Killian's post, OK?
>The baby had a brother and sister with eyes still closed, unable to eat
>kibble.  They are dead.  I saw their papers.  They were MF ferrets
>according to their documents
Did they have two tattoos each in their ears?  If not, guess what?  They
were not Marshall Farms kits.  It's tragic that such a thing could ever
be allowed to happen.  How about going after the responsible parties?
Look, I understand that you don't like ferret mills or puppy mills, and I
understand that spreading accurate information about their practices is a
useful tool.  We, as consumers, can voice our feelings by not buying their
kits or puppies.  Fine.  That is not an excuse for slander.
I, personally, probably will not buy a pet store kit again, Marshall Farms
or otherwise.  I'd rather take in a rescue if and when I ever want to add
to the business again.  That is a choice I can make as an educated
consumer.  It's a choice I can encourage others to make, too.  Can we
please all agree to do that by educating people and presenting the facts?
Let's not rant and rave and certainly let's not spread half truths or point
fingers where they are not deserved.  The truth is the most powerful weapon
we have in fighting for the welfare of ferrets.
All the best,
p.s.: Pertwee's recovery has been absolutely amazing.  If you couldn't see
his sutures and shaved belly, you'd never know anything was ever wrong with
him.  Oh, and yes, he's putting on weight :)
[Posted in FML issue 3039]