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Mon, 17 Apr 2000 01:57:52 -0400
Andrea Franzini <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (96 lines)
For all interested parties: Pookie had his 2 month check up and x-ray.
Unfortunately, the tumor has grown and I am starting to get sick from
looking at the x-rays.  It is hard to believe the such a thing is growing
on my boys back.  Anyhoo, it is pushing his heart down more and his trachea
is more kinked...good news is after a check from the Dr., Pookie is
breathing normal and has a normal heartbeat.  he plays for a short while
then just lays down until I come pick him up and pet him to sleep.  Pookie
is eating like a little piggy still and is enjoying the likes of extra
raisins and taste of my meals that were once forbidden.  All 9 other
fuzzies are really jealous of Pookie when he gets done eating with me and
is returned downstairs for everyone to smell.  It is funny because everyone
kisses him to get a taste of what he had.  *sigh* I wish I could do more.
On a happy note, my first ferret show that I participated in was
FUNNNNNN!!!!  It was great to meet and greet all the other fuzzy lovers and
their ferrets and spend spend spend.  Merv got 21st in chocolate and 27th
in MF.  Lucy got 3rd in twiggy, although I still think she is the smallest
of them all.  Lucy dooks in agreement Anywhoo, I don't care how they
placed, we had a lot of fun and Merv enjoyed the extra attention (no more
brushing mommie, geez) And gosh darnit, I forgot to go back and buy the
rubber stamper I wanted and the cookie cutter.  Does anyone know these
For the person with the poopie issue: I have 10 ferrets, and I never see a
same poopie for more than 2-3 days in a row.  If I give them raisins and
treats (bandits, 8-1) they either get mush or greeny.  If I give laxatone,
it comes out the same as it went in, muck.  if I give linatone (ferrotone)
is gives a shiny appearance.  When Merv had a cold, he had mushy poopies
too.  When pookie had a intestinal infection, he had reddish FOWL smelling
poopie.  As long as it smells normal and looks normal for awhile, its all
good for me.  All my kids had fecals before they even came into my house,
then were quarantined for 10 days from the ferret room.  With the greenies,
all I can say is try to find out who is making them and isolate them.
But if one has it and is living with all the others, all of them will
eventually get it (like the cold that merv, dakota and I keep passing to
one another for last 2 months...) *shrugs* its the poop perplexity.
Krystal has been renamed sharkie.  she has gotten better with leaving the
toes attached to my foot and the fingers attached to everyone's hands.  I
can cuddle her now and even get *gasp* KISSES!!!  I guess from yesterday
and being gone from 5am to 7pm, she maybe missed me.  She only bites to
be let go of now or to get attention.  The big worry is her continued
screaming when ever someone gets close to her.  Everyone kept telling me
to test for deafness.  When she wouldn't hold still for a second, this
was hard.  But besides her not waking from her sleep (or crying in it and
twitching) when everyone else wakes up, and continues to sleep in my arms
until I wiggle her around, she failed every ferret test today 8(  I squeaked
every toy I had right smack behind her...didn't turn around or flinch...I
shook the treat jar that EVERYONE runs to...she continued to play where
she was and didn't even look over...I shook bells, car keys, screamed
yelled...while all the other ferrets run to me, away from me, or hide and
poofed their tails, she continued to do as she was doing.  So, she is most
likely deaf.  Are there any other things I can do to test her?
My brother works at a pet store.  I have rehabilitated a countless amount
of toothless, eyes still shut, sutures still there, TINY babies that have
come in from MF.  6 of mine came to me that way and I wound up keeping
them.  The pet store can't keep up with trying to teach babies HOW to eat
even mush food and drink out of a water bottle and poop in a box.  His
store stopped selling MF products and babies after complaining to them.
They switched to Path Valley ferrets.  Well, Path Valley couldn't keep up
with a routine supply, or provide the colors that thestore asked for, or
send a ferret that could eat on its own, so the pet store went back to MF.
I told them to just stop selling ferrets, but demand is high, so that's how
much I mean to them.  Well, i'll continue to care for babies because if I
don't, they'll get sent home with someone who doen'st know how to, or sit
in the pet store and be sad.  I tried not taking them, but my brother told
me that the batch they got in had their eyes half shut, and I gave in and
took them to raise where MF left off.  Their little sutures were still
sticking out of their little shaved tummy.  It's upsetting, and I will
continue to write to MF.  Every since Pookie's beginning of his ordeal and
MF offering to "replace my ferret", I don't like MF, and write frequent
hate mail.  I keep getting coupons and free ferret things and "we're sorry"
faxes from their reps.  bleh.
Last, but not least, Dakota does NOT have lymphoma, does NOT have an
enlarged heart and does NOT have a blockage...he has allergies!!  i'm sorry
he does, but so relieved that all the worst is off the list of concern.
So, on the high pollen mornings, he and I are going to take our allergy
medicine (heh, get gets some ferret Benadryl, I get 2 injections and
zyrtec) together.  yay.  (dakota does a happy dance)
Oh yeah, there's this ferret whose name is Patches, and he has the longest
whiskers, and he's really cute and...Faith, you are just too darn lucky.
Andrea and the 10 freshly bathed fuzzies
"if you don't give it to me, i'll take it from you.
if you leave it out, i'll take it and hid it.
if it's pink, i'll spit it on you.
if I can see it, I can get to it.
food tastes much better out of the cage than in it.
One out of 5 water bottles tastes best.
there's a bottom to everything and we'll find it.
if we rub our faces in the black fuzzy boa, we turn black too."
[Posted in FML issue 3024]