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Dee Gage <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 21:36:20 EDT
text/plain (77 lines)
[Moderator's note: In my opinion this is just slightly related to ferrets.
Please keep any follow-ups on topic.  BIG]
During the time the Great Lakes Ferret Association was involved with the
rabies issue in Michigan, I associated myself with an organization called
Humanitarians for Environmental & Animal Laws PAC (HEAL PAC).  This year
marked the completion of a 10 year effort to ban ownership of predatory
wolf-dogs, bears, and exotic cats as pets in Michigan.  Unfortunately,
it took a couple of children being mauled by wolf-dogs to open eyes in
I found it interesting to note HEAL-PAC has endorsed Al Gore and Joe
Lieberman (Democrats).
"Both have extensive voting records that prove their firm commitment to
both animal and environmental protection.  While some people may quibble
that Al Gore could have done more as Vice President, we have to remember
that he was only one of many advisors to President Clinton.  Final
decisions were not his to make.  Had it not been for him and U.S. Dept.
Of Interior Secretary Bruce Babbit, the environment and animals would have
fared much worse.  When he served in the U.S.  Senate, Gore once stated:
'...one important way to measure the true maturity and compassion of
a society is by observing how that society treats all living things,
including animals.' Joe Lieberman has supported every pro-animal bill
introduced in the U.S. Senate while he has served there, including but not
limited to bills on bear and dolphin protection and to ban steeljaw leghold
traps and cockfighting.  He also spoke eloquently against whale hunting.
Republican Party candidate George W. Bush recently received a Governor of
the Year award form Safari Club International.  This is the group whose
members spend thousands of dollars to travel the globe to kill exotic
animals.  He is an avid hunter.  Bush has no public service record on
animal protection legislation.  As Governor of Texas, he repeatedly has
jeopardized the environment to help friends in industry.
Green Party candidate, Ralph Nader, although obviously ver
pro-environmental protection, has through his congressional lobbying
organizations spent over=20a decade helping to kill in committee the very
worthy Animal Research Accountability Act, which would reduce the number of
animals used in research.  In fact he has stated publicly that he supports
experimentation on animals to ensure consumer product safety.  Nader's Vice
Presidential running mate, Winona LaDuke, is a promoter of hunting,
trapping, and whaling."
As part of HEAL-PAC's preview of animal protection legislation under
consideration for the next session of the Michigan State Legislature is
an update of Michigan's Animal Control Law ("the 1919 Dog Law") and the
"Both of these laws are old and badly need updating.  For example, the pet
shop/shelter law only allows the MDA (Michigan Dept. of Agriculture) to
inspect pet shops to protect the welfare of dogs and cats.  Other species
of animals are not covered.  The 1919 Animal Control Law does not require
that cats be vaccinated against rabies or kept under control.  Several
years ago the MDA, MHS (Michigan Humane Society) and other interested
groups spent four years re-writing these two laws, only to see them die
in a House Committee because of weak sponsorship."
To say this piece of legislation has a definite impact on ferrets in a
pet shop environment is an understatement.  I plan to follow up on this
particular piece of legislation and will keep you know updated.  It could
possibly be a model for other states.
The other three legislative issues they cited were to set standards for the
proper and humane use of gas as a method of euthanasia by public animal
control and private humane society shelters, allow both public and private
animal shelter staff, under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian, to
legally use tranquilizers to humanely capture animals outdoors or help with
the hard-to-handle animals in shelters, and a mourning dove hunting season.
Take care,
Hershey, Finnegan & Stone
[Posted in FML issue 3204]