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"Williams, Bruce" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 15:19:55 -0400
text/plain (46 lines)
To the FML:
Currently I am beseiged by ADV questions, so I'm going to try to catch up
as possible.  Some of the questions I'm going to need to do a bit of
research on, so if I don't get to your question right away, please don't
think that I am ignoring you.  AS infectious diseases go, it is one that
we still don't know a lot about in ferrets - so some questions may not
have answers for quite a while.
By the way, I am teaching a three-day course on Telemedicine tomorrow thru
Friday, so my posts may disappear for a few days.
Here's a good one:
>I have been told that there is a "parvocide" to put on us and our clothes
>that will "kill" the virus so we can't take it home to our ferrets...
There is a brand of cleaner called "Parvocide" which is commercially
available through pet stores and vet offices.  It is a glutaraldehyde-based
cleaner with activity against bacteria and viruses.  Note however, that
most cleaners are meant to be used on relatively inert objects - tile,
cement, plastic, etc - not on your clothes.  I would be hesitant in
ascribing a lot of effectiveness to this product when put on clothes - and
it is not without potential hermful effects at higher doages, including
skin, eye, throat and lung, irritant, and potential for an allergic
However, the good news is that the ADV virus is not as highly contagious as
ECE, and it most likely is not readily spreadable by clothes contamination.
I would not fear going to a household in which some ADV+ ferrets are
present, but to be on the safe side, change and wash your clothes and
shower before returning to your ferrets (it never hurts and is always a
good precaution when going visiting.)
>IF this parvocide can kill the virus...[i understand this is on the
>outside of a live being]..but can it not be adapted someway so that
>there is a way to kill the virus inside the ferret???
Unfortunately, glutaraldehyde is used as a tissue fixative, for killing and
preserving tissue.  When ingested, it is quite toxic.  (Cleaners use it in
a very dilute form.)
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3187]