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Mon, 14 Aug 2000 09:11:20 -0600
text/plain (24 lines)
Hi again,
Last week I mentioned a couple of people who have helped me so much this
last year.  I mentioned them re: hoping there were more good people like
them to offset the whackos who inflict cruelty to innocent animals.
In retrospect, I wanted to acknowledge and praise all of you who love and
care for your ferrets in the best way that you can.  Learn from the people
here who know so much more than I do...the people on this list have been
invaluable to me and to others in their times of need.  Take notes and
learn all that you can; t is in the job description of being a ferret
guardian.  Learn so that you can give these innocent creatures a decent
chance at the best life you can give them.
I didn't mention the shelter mommies and daddys.  They are angels chosen by
God, and they see and know of things that someone like me could never cope
with.  I did one rescue, and I was a basket case for weeks.  Take a moment
in your heart and give thanks to these wonderful souls that do make such a
big difference in little lives that depend on human kindness.  God Bless
you all.
Liz and Fang
[Posted in FML issue 3144]