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Sun, 17 Sep 2000 05:52:09 -0500
text/plain (44 lines)
In response to Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Sheltler:
You are doing fine. Don't let the whiners and 'holier then thou' types
tell you otherwise. You are giving the animals a chance that most local
shelters who only deal with dogs and cats would NEVER give a ferret.
In response to Ron Fraser:
You sir are a theif!  I'm appalled that this list allowed a post from an
Animal Liberation Front member.  Even if you think you are not such, you
are NO BETTER then the idiots who are stealing peoples pets!  If there is
a case of abuse or neglect, there are people who can LEGALLY do something
about it.
Be glad it was not me that you tried to take pets from because you would
have never made it out the door alive with any of my animals!  In Texas, I
would not even get jail time for protecting myself and my property.
In response to Charles Onken:
Why are there more animal rights trash posts here?  This is a ferret list,
not an animal rights list or a mink liberation list.  How many of those
released mink were run over by cars for your political cause that is only
for bringing more money into already weathy animal rights extremist groups.
Did your terrorism you support really help any animals?  Or did the mink
that were run over by cars and died in the wild that they had no ability
to survive in, die for nothing since the animals were likely insured and
will be replaced?
To the Marshall Farms Whiner:
Gads!  This BS again?  When is the moderator going to just plan ban any
topic concerning Marshall Farms since we have heard ALL of both sides
and are sick of it!
[Moderator's note: But we haven't ALL heard both sides.  There are new
readers all the time.  But once this topic is closed, it will not be
allowed for several more months.  BIG]
To keisha l:
I have used 8 in One and while its cheap feed, its good for getting through
the times when Total Ferret or other better products are scarce.
On the issue of Ferret Olympics 2000 :
Please get me information about this event early through private email!  I
can post it on my site and help get more people there.
[Posted in FML issue 3178]