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Thu, 14 Sep 2000 09:11:27 EDT
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My apologies for any confusion:The gentleman I wrote of was not a pilot,
or a guard, or the person who transported the children from Norway to the
camp.  He was not a spy that has proof he carried out with him.  He was a
Jew in a death camp working in the crematorium.
It was clear to me when he spoke that the children were not flown directly
into camp, as I have read a little about the death camp.  I forget that
others may not know this.
Out of our conversation, there were two things this Auschwitz surviver
could not forget that hit him hard that he spoke of.  One was how the
killing machine continued after all else was lost.  He focused on those
two little girls to block out thoughts of all the rest: that was what went
through my mind as he spoke.  He said the guards talked about it, and one
gaurd in particular told him about the children.  This man-then a 17 year
old boy- had to dispose of the children.
Obviously, he could not have been in a position as a Jewish prisoner in a
death camp for two years to learn of this any other way.  And later he
learned that Roosevelt was shown pictures of the camps and talked with
someone from one of the camps-but did nothing.  Worse yet to him was that
we did not bomb the camps.  That is how he said people at the camp felt.
Why did the United States not destroy the camp?  Why did we not help these
abused peoples suffering terribly?  Why did we allow such horrible things
to happen?  SOunds familiar, doesn't it?
The man did not write a book.  He does not lecture.  He has absolutely
nothing to gain by lying.  He wished it could all be erased from his mind.
We have USDA stating the atrocities of Marshall Farms, Violations of AWA,
and press clippings from various sources documenting Marshall Farms animal
shipping fiascoes that I have shared with you.  Easy to find and read for
There are USDA excerpts from July 17, 1995, Sept.  3rd 1996, and June 30,
AVAR has filed complaints against Marshall Farms with the New York State
Education Departments Office of Professional Discipline.
The puppy mill-Marshall Farms- had only one vet.- Dr. Scipioni -to oversee
tens of thousands of surgeries.  The ratio was not to exceed 3 techs per
supervising vet according to article 135, section 6702 of News York's Vet
Medicine and Animal Health Technology list of consolidated
laws.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The conditions
observed during surgery by non vets with no supervision was unsanitary.
In 1998, a fire at the puppy mill killed 450 animals.  A sprinkler system
had never been put in during all these years the mill has existed to
protect the animals all crowded together.  As of 1999, there was still no
sprinkler system according to research associate Peter Wood.
Mr. Wood states that he was present at the transport by Marshall Farms
puppy mill of sick dogs.  The ASPCA reported on this.  One was in such bad
shape that it was bleeding from the rectum and had a fever.  The Marshalls
did not take it back to care for itMr. Wood writes.  But then, This Is How
Puppy Mills Operate.  AThe suffering of living beings-our ferrets- is
largely ignored
The fines that USDA should have imposed according to the press instead
became a promise that Marshall Farms would take a course on how to safely
ship dogs on airplanes.
The USDA is now being sued by the Doris Day Animal group for these kinds of
wrist slappings for animal atrocities.  YAHOO.
If you don't wish to believe one of the few camp survivors who can give us
no papers or pictures but spoke from his heart-you will not.  The info on
Marshall Farms is in black and white and from various sources that are easy
to check on.
To cry out against Marshall Farms and puppy mills in general, go to ask
jeeves.com.  Type in Doris Day Animal League.  You can find your
Congressmen and women: their names, phone numbers, and addresses.  You can
also see the other crucial animal issues that this animal protection group
is currently dealing with.  This is just one of a number of groups that
struggled to keep Marshall Farms from committing atrocities in France.
OR:Simply stop using Marshall Farm products.  Don't buy a puppy mill puppy or
ferret.  Or organize a group of interested people.  Let them know about
Marshall Farms.  Hand out brochures or flyers.  And spread the word.
Or just ignore the plight of ferrets in Marshall Farms..........
Pretend you don't have this information.  Don't investigate for yourself.
Just say- as several of you have written to me-but I have a cute ferret,
puppy, or cat from a puppy mill.And I love it.  As though that makes
everything alright for the thousands who will never be loved or free of
pain, boredom, lonliness, discomfort.  What do you think happens to the
thousands of ferrets after they can no longer be bred or while they are
The survivors of the camps are nice people.  I know the grandson of a
slave.  He is a nice person.  What does that mean??  That slavery is a good
thing?  That death camps are o.k.?  I have a ferret from Marshall Farms and
I love him, and he is very nice.So puppy mills must be good things.  SOunds
familiar doesn't it?
My thoughts
[Posted in FML issue 3175]