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Print Reply
Wed, 2 Aug 2000 22:38:17 -0500
Webmaster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
The Ferret Lovers' Club of Texas is proud to announce the fifth annual
Ferret Olympics, to be held in Grand Prairie, Texas (Dallas/Fort Worth)
on Saturday, October 21, 2000.  We have thirteen events to select from,
including the popular tube races, maze race, and "best dressed" events as
well as the all new "Sock it To the Ferret".  This contest will recognize
the ferret and owner team that can most quickly clothe all 4 of the
ferret's feet in tiny socks.  Just think of it as Weasel Wrestling!  More
information on this and past Olympics is online at
http://www.texasferret.org, including entry forms.
We are in the process of lining up vendors for the show.  If you have
ferret related items you'd like to offer for sale at the Ferret Olympics,
please visit the website above and review the vendor information in the
Olympics section.  There are several ways in which you may participate,
even if you cannot be at the show.  You may also contact
mailto:[log in to unmask] or call (817)498-1470 for more information.
Ferret Lovers' Club of Texas
[Posted in FML issue 3132]