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Tue, 18 Jul 2000 08:59:45 -0800
Diane Ashton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (90 lines)
This morning while trying to catch up on my FML and I give clicks, I was
reading about those bundles of fur that have passed over to a better life.
I was hit with such a strong wave of grief and sadness over the many losses
that I have had over the last several years.  This is the gang.  I guess
that I am ready to say goodbye and to heal from their loss.
Jan 1, 1999
Roxie-Bear suffered a fatal stroke just after the new year hit.  With the
sounds of celebrations and fireworks outside, Roxie passed from my loving
arms to those of her creator.
Jan 16, 1999
Maggie Waggles had been diagnosed with cancer and I was able to keep her
around although selfishly for about 10 days.  Long enough for me to take
her to the midnight compline service at St.  Matthews where Father Scott
beautifully and gently held her and blessed her in the name of Our Father.
I had to help her across to the bridge a few days later.  She was the
number 2 ferret.
April 27, 1999
Grandpa was a beautiful although ancient gentleman when he came to me from
another shelter that was not really set up to handle ferrets.  He showed
signs of insulinome within days and we started him on meds.  He did
wonderfully until February when we had to add proglycem to the protocol.
Almost 1 1/2 years after coming to me he suffered a fatal seizure and died
in my arms as I rocked him and sang to him.
Sept 10, 1999
Chena died of a multi organ failure.  He came to me in the midst of ECE and
his immune system was at a low since he had been on his own for quite some
time and was eventually caught at the Chena River campground.  I had no
choice but to risk exposure and take him in.  There was no one else.  He
was with me over a year but never fully recovered.  He was also and old
gentleman and snuggler.
Feb 13, 2000
Cocoa came back after being with a wonderful family that could no longer
take care of her.She was staying with a friend of mine because my numbers
were so high.  This frien was not watching her close enough and did not
notice when she began to lose weight.  The day I stoped by to check on
everyone, I hurrued her off to the vet but she died that afternoon.
Everyone got picked up from my friens house that afternoon and came with
me.  Cocoa loved to ride om my head and shoulders abut hated new ferrets.
Candy Cane was her one and only friend.
March 13, 2000
Jax died of post adrenal surgery complications.  he was my first fatality
post op.  I was told that I had been very lucky.  It did not feel like
luck at the time.
March 18, 2000
Lucky was a lesson in letting go.  Lucky had not been able to hold down any
food for several months.  He had also been through ECE so I was treating
him for the intestinal problems that they seem to keep.  Lucky had been
found in an apt 3 days after the tenants moved out locked in a small animal
carrier with no food, water and covered in his own waste.  Hense his name.
A gorgeous Champaigne Mitt, he quickly stole my heart.  When he became ill
I took advice from another FML subscriber and gave him permission to go.
When testing could not give us any answers, I continued to force food and
water and thwarted his attempts to go his way.  After an exploratory
further revealed no reason for him to be vomitting, my vet encouraged me
to let him go.  I did.
May 1, 2000
Molly Coddle, the first and original ferret.  She died quietly in her
sleep after almost 9 years.  Her friends were at her side.
May 2, 2000
Pepper went in to treat a blockage and to have an adrenalectomy.  He did
not recover from the anesthesia.  He was the kisser of the gang, a
beautiful white man with a strand of black fur here and there.
May 5, 2000
Buddy was the worst case of abuse and neglect that I myself have seen.
Almost dead from starvation and his nail having grown so long that it grew
around the filthy rag that he and his cagemate slept on, I did not think
that the two would make it through the night.  They did, Rosie is a biter
to this day and her friend Buddy grew fat and sassy.  As sassy as a fat
ferret can be anyhow.  Buddy deveoped an anal abcess and when it was
drained he became septic and did not make it through the night.  Buddy,
AKA Sir Stinks Alot, is still missed to this day by his friend Rosie who
will accept no other into her domain.
You were all loved with my whole heart and are missed to this very day.  I
look forward eagerly to the day when we will all be reunited in the eternal
home of our Father and Creator.  Take care of each other.
Diana and The Ferret Farm
[Posted in FML issue 3117]