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Sun, 16 Jul 2000 02:39:46 EDT
Kevin Bonner <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Gimme an "F"!  Gimme an "E"!  Gimme an "RR"!  Gimme an "E"!  Gimme a "T"!
Gimme a "FERRET", Gimme another "FERRET"!, How 'bout another "FERRET"!,
okay - one more "FERRET"!!!!!!
Hey gang !!  Dooks to all the fur-kids and meows to the fer-kats !!!
Well, today was cleaning day at the Oregon Ferret Shelter.  Snuggle the
kids, new blankies, clean the litter boxes, trim a few (dozen) toenails.
Yep, cleaned those cages well.
Okay - so maybe I cleaned one out a little bit too well <chuckle!>
Please allow me to introduce the latest addition, errrrr - additions,
to the Kewl Kritter Family !  That's right !  Brought home a few foster
Willie is a silver male, Nippy and Stubbie are albino females, and
Christina is a strikingly adorable silver female with a black nose.  She
actually kinda looks like a miniature version of the Coke Polar bear !!!!
All are very active and affectionate 6 year olds.  Nippy and Stubbie
(sisters - wouldn't ya know it!) have minor mast cell tumors.  Christina
has a hematoma in her ear.
Judging from some of their antics thus far, I'm certain they will
compliment the regular flurry.
Just a reminder to all the fert lovers out there - there are a lot of kids
in shelters that, for one reason or another, cannot or will not be adopted
out.  Maybe they are a bit older, or have some medical problems.  Talk
with your local shelter about being a foster parent or sponsoring a fuzzy
that is in need.  Sometimes a little love and affection can go a
looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg way !!!
Hmmmm .. speaking of cleaning litter boxes - think I got a few around
here that need attention.
Warm Fuzzies ~~ !!
Kevin B and the Way Kewl Kritter Crew
~Simon~Lacey~Hershey~Sprite~Cuddles~Java~Miss Priss~Cinna~Racer~Patch~
~Mocha~Nikki~Selene~Missy~Yogi~Skooter~  and Mist the Fer-Kat
Foster Kids ~Willie~Christina~Nippy~Stubbie~
Guardian Fur-Angels ~Furrice~Lady~Zeus~Rascal~Socks~Muttley~Dookesbury
~Little Boy~
Missing our friends - Kimo the Sumo Cat (and Honorary Fert) and fellow
~Petey~, ~Nibbler~, ~Max~, ~Romeo~, ~Bandit~, and the other ~Romeo~
Saying "Hey!" to ~Pandora~, ~Noser~ and the rest of the Tennessee Brat
Pack !!
Please see KITY=^..^=KAT's Fur Faces, Memorial for Zeus
KRITTER KREW - http://hometown.aol.com/kwildheart/myhomepage/pet.html
Prayers to the ill and those who have gone before us.  Hug your fuzzies
while you can, hold them in your heart when you can't.
[Posted in FML issue 3115]