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Wed, 28 Jun 2000 22:02:23 -0500
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I haven't been very active with the FML or any friends I have made on it
lately due to a lack of time.  I did want to post some good news, however,
since there's a lot of bad news and death notices.  I had posted one myself
back in November, when my boys contacted ECE from a new ferret I brought
home, and my favorite boy, Smidgeon, died.  Anyway, the good news is that
Gherkin, now my oldest since Smidgy's passing, had adrenal surgery and is
recovering beautifully!  The vet removed his left adrenal gland and a
greatly enlarged spleen.  The right adrenal was hardly visible, and he's
not on any follow-up medication.  Also, my vet is the greatest because
the entire surgery only cost me a bit over $200, compared to some horror
stories I've heard on this FML!  I had Nougat tested for adrenal too,
since he's had a bald tail for months and has gotten pretty skinny, but
he doesn't have it!  He's just on melatonin tablets, over the counter, as
a trial to see if they help him grow back some hair!  Yay!  After all the
stress of bringing in ECE to four existing ferrets, losing my favorite one,
and having a few months of recovery time, this is great news to me!  Hope
this eases the worry for anyone with scheduled surgery that they are
anxious about, and makes others happy that sometimes good things happen to
these cute fuzzbutts!
Happy days!
Dawn, Gherkin, Wookie, Nougat, S'much, and Sushi the Akita/Chow dog
[Posted in FML issue 3097]