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Mon, 26 Jun 2000 22:47:11 EDT
Sarah Branham <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (14 lines)
Hi all..One more thing..I noticed tonight while I was clipping nails that
one of the ferts has one claw that is black on the end.  There is little
fibers sticking out of it.  (like something sticky and threads/hairs get
on it)  I tried pulling them off, and he sure didn't like it at all.  So I
attempted to cut it, I picked up that toe, and he didn't like that
either..besides that, when I got a better look, it was too close to the
quick for comfort.  It isn't something just "globbed" on there..  but it
looks like the claw itself is black.  Any chance he could have broken it
on somthing and it began to bleed?  I'm pretty sure that's what it is..but
you never know when someone else might know different.  I plan on waiting
til I come back from my trip to cut it..it should be long enough by then.
Anybody know of a way to keep it from hurting him?
[Posted in FML issue 3095]