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Wed, 21 Jun 2000 11:52:28 -0400
"McCowen, Melissa (IndSys,ADM)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Since the topic of litter pans comes up from time to time, I thought I'd
post my cheap and (relatively) easy solution, especially for those of you
with large businesses or shelters.
I only have two ferrets, but they have run of 'their' room most of the
time, and run of the den/dining room when Harry and I are home to
supervise.  Since Mischief & Max each picked a different 'favorite corner'
in both areas, I quickly determined I needed 4 litter boxes.  I was at
K-Mart a while back roaming around in the 'plastics' section looking at the
storage boxes when I noticed the cheap 'sweater box' for $2.50.  Bingo -
just the right size for a litter box!  Nice and tall so Max's rear doesn't
hang over the back.  I got home with my find, dug out a pair of wire
cutters, and after 5 minutes and a slightly sore hand I had the following:
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Basically I cut down both sides from six inches back at about a 45 degree
angle down to about 1 or 1 1/2 inch from the bottom.  Then cut straight
across the front 1 inch from the bottom.  The 1 inch lip holds in the
litter, but makes a nice low step for a small kit to get in.  And the box
is long & deep enough for even a large hob!  And a lot cheaper than the
$10 - $12 dollars most of the larger litter boxes sell for.  The only thing
is you need wire cutters, or a good utility knife, to do the cutting.
I also bought one shoe box ($1.50) and did the same thing to it for a
smaller 'travel box'.  Works great!
Melissa L. McCowen
Mischief & Max
Knoxville, TN
[Posted in FML issue 3091]