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Fri, 9 Jun 2000 23:10:40 -0400
Donna R Clark <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
I think all fuzzie parents can relate to this subject.
I have eight ferrets.  And each one has a habit or oddity unique to that
particular individual ferret.
I have a large Cinnamon(?) boy that insist on hiding his food/treats under
the rug around the commode in the bathroom.
I have a little albino girl that comes out for play time and the first
thing that she does is take her cheweasel across the living room from where
it was.  She will come out of her cage for play time the next day and move
the same cheweasel to the other side of the living room.
I have a large silver sable male that loves to be held and walked around so
he can see everything from high up.  He begs until he gets what he wants.
I have a small silver sable female that will nip(lightly) at the top of my
foot , until I pick her up and say hello especially to her.  Then she will
go and play.
I have a sable male that loves to chew on my elbow(strange).
Every ferret is unique.  And has their own little personality.  It is
wonderful.  I am very glad that someone else can see this as well as me.
I think it would be great if others would relate what crazy things are
unique to their ferret.
Everyone love and keep their little ones close to their hearts always.
[Posted in FML issue 3078]