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Fri, 2 Jun 2000 01:25:48 +0000
text/plain (18 lines)
We moved from Knoxville 3 years ago, but we always went to the UTK Vet
Hospital.  Their phone number is 974-5667.  We got different doctors the
first few times we went, and all of them were good, but once we met Dr.
Carol Canny, we specifically asked for her from then on.  She was really
nice and very experienced with ferrets.  Besides, Sydney enjoyed torturing
the earnest student vets who had never seen a ferret before.  (The students
are always overseen by a teaching vet, who does the actual exam.) Syd about
scared one poor guy to death by running up his lab coat sleeve!  Hee hee!
And we felt like we were contributing to future ferret health everywhere
by letting the students get exposure to our little one.
Another bonus is that the hospital does a lot of the vet care for the
Knoxville Zoo.  How many times have you been to the vet and heard a tiger
getting a vaccination in the next room?  Very cool.
Theresa Goodman
[Posted in FML issue 3071]