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Wed, 24 May 2000 16:44:28 -0400
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Vickie McKimmey wrote:
>This issue has been blown out of proportions again - as usual.  This is
>not from one individual, it has support from the board.
Do you mean because the public has been informed of an incident the AFA
would have preferred to keep under wraps?  Why was none of this new policy
published anywhere?
>The only requirements for AFA sanctioned shows is rabies and distemper
>vaccinations with vaccines USDA approved for use in ferrets.
This seems to differ from what was posted in the FML with regards to Warm
Fuzzy and it also contradicts your statement in the below paragraphs.  Your
communication with Shirley seemed to indicate it was some new requirement
that has been randomly imposed.  The below paragraph also seems to indicate
proof will be required for some but not all individuals as determined by
the AFA.
>AFA is working on some sort of policy in regards to ADV.  It is not
>feasible for everyone to be testing their ferrets for ADV before shows.
>For rabies and distemper we have vaccines and as long as the ferret is
>vaccinated within certain dates, then we know they are protected.  There
>is no vaccine for ADV.  The test for ADV is only as good as the moment the
>test is done.
>We are asking that people in the ferret community who have or have had
>known positive ADV ferret in their care to provide ADV test results taken
>prior to the show.  This was developed by folks in the ferret community
>who do have positive ADV ferrets in their care.  Most breeders and
>shelters have been testing as any responsible breeder or shelter should.
Asking for and refusing entry into a show hall because the party could not
produce a negative test performed within a specified period prior to the
event are two different things.  The question still stands as to who
exactly will be required to prove they are negative.  Unless everybody
entering the show hall with ferrets is required to show proof of a negative
test within a specified time period, the AFA is opening itself up for a
major lawsuit.
>Right now, this policy is for AFA hosted and sanctioned shows.  This
>policy will evolve as more information is gathered through research.  We
>still believe there is a very low risk of spreading ADV at shows, as long
>as information is provided to everyone on precautions that should be taken.
>It is up to the individual organization hosting the show to decide what
>precautions they want to have concerning ADV.  AFA shows will continue to
>use the judging carriers which seem to be one of the best way to minimize
>exposure to anything at shows.
And when exactly were you planning on letting people holding AFA sanctioned
events and those people participating in these events know about this?  In
this paragraph you claim it is policy but yet in an above paragraph you
claim the AFA is "working" on a policy.  Which one is it?
Bev Fox
Foxglove Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3062]