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Tue, 23 May 2000 17:24:21 -0400
Animal Lover <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (73 lines)
Just an update on my little "chomper", Daisy.  I went and bought a small
spray bottle (one like you'd use to mist yourself in the sun) and filled it
with just water.  Every time she would latch onto my feet or ankle I would
spray it at her and she would let go of me.  I continued this several times
to the point where when she would see me pull the spray bottle out (it's
hot pink in color) she would kind of walk away.
I know that she hasn't completely learned not to chomp on my feet and ankle
only from one day of using a spray bottle, but IT IS evident that she knows
that if she bites me she will get wet, and she HATES water.  I think this
is gonna work out just fine, and I will be consistant.  Again, thank each
and every one of you for your response to me via personal email and posts
on fml, your suggestions were appreciated very much.
Daisy is our little "dooker" as she constantly talks and I just love it.
All 6 of them will be in their cage in the hammock and sleeping and I will
hear Daisy, "dook dook dook", and I look in and Daisy is just sitting there
looking around dooking her little heart out.  Taz and Jack never really
talked much but now that Daisy is here and talks all the time, they have
been talking so much more.  Sharkie, she hisses, she can be playing nicely
with the others and she hisses.  I use to think that someone was picking on
her from her hissing, but after watching her this is just her way, maybe
it's due to her being deaf, I don't know.
Daisy and Bootz have been here 2 weeks as of Saturday and things are going
very well.  Taz, Jack, Sharkie and Jill are now comfortable with them as
they are with them.  They use to walk away from each other (after a few
fights and one dragging the other across the floor) but now they all play
nicely together, and they ALWAYS sleep together, all 6 in one hammock, you
should see it sag with all them on it.  I again would like to thank each
one of you for your comments and suggestions on how to introduce them and
bring them together as it did work.  Daisy and Bootz are a very nice
addition to our family, and we are glad to have them.
With having 6 of my own now, I do make sure to set an hour each day aside
for one on one time.  I have one on one time with a different baby each
day, Example: Last night it was Taz and now tonight it is Bootz turn.  I
found that when we brought Bootz and Daisy home, having this one on one
time with the 4 that were here really seemed to make them feel continued
love, and we also had the one on one time with Bootz and Daisy when they
first came so that they knew they were special to us and our family too.  I
think this helped everyone become comfortable with the new situation.  I
took each one of your suggestions and that is how I worked it in, and it
turned out to help me out very much.
It is so nice to know that when I have a question or a problem with my
fuzzies, that I can ALWAYS count on you other ferret parents to help.  I
want each of you to know that you are very special, not only to me, but
to other people you help with your suggestions, experience and comments.
Thank you to BIG also, for allowing us to bring our experience onto his
board to become like a little ferret family, who is always there to help
one another.  I know we may occassionally not agree with one another on
things, but what works for us may not work for another, and we should
understand that.  But when we disagree with someone on something, that
may actually help another person, so we should all respect each others
opinions.  I am NOT saying hitting a ferret or any other animal is right,
because I DO NOT hit my babies, but there are people who do hit or flick
theirs and flaming them is not gonna make them stop it, unfortunately, so
rather than flame and flame them, we should educate them.  Educate them on
what could happen (like what happened to the bunny in my vet's office who's
owner got so irate because the bunny pooped on the wrong side of the pen
that he not only wacked the bunny's butt, but he slammed the bunny's face
into the poop so hard that it actually cut the bunny's nose on the wire on
the bottom of the pen), educate them on other alternatives, educate them on
how the animal will be frightened of them, etc.
Thank you again for allowing me the time to update you on my Daisy, and for
allowing me to voice MY opinion.  I am NOT directing my opinion to anyone
in particular, just another opinion from a regular on the board.
Dooks and Hugs to all you and your fuzzies.
[Posted in FML issue 3061]