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Fri, 19 May 2000 07:59:15 EDT
Shea Anson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Hello all!
Well, for once I'm posting as a response to someone else's post instead of
telling you guys about my little fert, Trixie!
I was very upset to see the post about Kista Ferret Shelter and the rude
comments made by this poster.  (I'm sorry I'm a few days late ~ getting
ready to leave town.......) I can't believe this person would say that Kim
shouldn't care for animals because she had done drugs and drinks alchohol.
Sure ~ she likes beer?  What's wrong with that?  It's not like she's going
around and feeding the ferrets with a beer can in her hand!  So many people
have written in and testified about Kim's businesslike and caring manner
with her parents and she seems very knowledgeable and professional about
what she is doing.
I don't even know Kim, and I like her and trust her to be a good person
just by the things people know about her FIRST HAND.
And also, regarding the comment that people who use drugs and alcohol
shouldn't care for animals ~ who's to say animals are not the very BEST
therapy in existence for people who are really suffering from these things?
Animals give people enjoyment, love, and a reason for living.  This little
creature relies on humans for care, love, and shelter..........and that is
something that really gives me, personally, a great feeling of belonging ~
I feel needed......and that is perfect in my eyes.
Shea & Trixie
[Posted in FML issue 3057]