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Thu, 18 May 2000 10:46:46 -0400
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Carla, that is interesting that on a high quality dry food blend you have
not had any ferrets have insulinoma over the years.  Also, interesting that
your vet would normally expect about a 33% rate for the illness.  If I am
not missing anyone in doing our current numbers I figure we've had about a
17% rate of insulinoma here (same rate as we've had for lymphomas and for
cardiomyopathy types, whereas all adrenal types of growths combined have
reached 29% with our current numbers).  We are also on high quality food
blends as you are.  Our current vet says that he has noticed that when
households have high numbers of insulinoma or have early ones there seems
to possibly be a correlation with regular treats of sugary starch things
like Cherrios or Fruit Loops.  We don't give those.  We do give dried
fruit, though.  Do you?
Boy, talk about someone taking cheap shots at good people and a good
shelter.  I have to wonder if any of this is related to KISTA (being a
state inspected and state approved shelter which is also respected by
humane groups in our state) being used to help save a large number of
ferrets that had been taken from a severely abusive situation.  The state
and the humane groups knew that they could count on these people and KISTA
so were happy to have their help.  Did someone confuse them with the awful
place from which those ferrets were rescued?  I have a feeling that might
have happened.  It's a real shame to blast the RESCUERS instead of the
>Someone called there, and told the receptionist, and my boss, that they
>were calling..  Thankfully, my employer knows me better
That is HORRIBLE!  How could anyone ever do such an awful thing to another?
Bill, is it possible to not use posts or webpages from places like that
freedom one which allow anonymous slander?  Perhaps to have some sort of
automatic alert which sifts them out or even just refuses them?  Seems like
we've had more than our fill of anonymous slanderers recently here.  I
always wind up wondering how much of that is from people who like to cause
problems for the list in general, or perhaps do that in addition to hurting
good people.  Some may just be folks who NEED an audience as an astute
friend here :-) pointed out to me.  You know: the sorts of very rare people
who like to hurt ferrets and ferret folks, or just plain like to hurt
anyone for attention or other reasons.  Those have existed from the start.
For a while I remember people would jokingly call them secret agents of the
CA F&G to disarm them some.  It really helped then that people would make a
point of turning their backs on those who so badly insulted others; perhaps
it would be good to have that obviously happen again.  After all, we all
suffer because a few create such nastiness about other list members.  There
are very few people who act that way here, fortunately.  Certainly fewer
than used to be in my home town when I was a kid, and that had 2,000 people
as opposed to the over 3,000 here.
Bill, I'll bet that was what I was recalling.  Thanks for the help!  Chris
probably thanked you and it stuck in my head but got generalized.  Been a
while, hasn't it?
Called about the radio show John Boy and Billy about their bad ferret
depiction and got a sweet person who likes ferrets at that number.  The
number turns out to be the sales office of an affiliated station.  She's
going to let the main office know about the call.  Meanwhile, she said that
in her records the number for the show itself is 1-800-Big Show.  Haven't
tried it, yet.
[Moderator's note: With the exception of people I know with anti-spam
addresses and anonymous posters who go through me, all posts have to have
an address that can be replied to.  In other words, at least *I* have to
know how to get in touch with the poster.  Posts from non-subscribers are
automatically verified - if the email address bounces the post doesn't
make it to the FML.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3056]