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Fri, 19 May 2000 05:42:08 -0400
"Capt. Nodrog" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Today I met a person who bought a pet carrier at a yard sale.  When she
returned to get it, only then she was told "Oh by the way, the ferret comes
with it...".  SHe is a great animal lover so took the fert also.  TO keep
the fert happy, she got another, for company.  She also has cats, birds,
dogs, all kinds of critters.  Her house is NOT fert proof, so they seldom
if ever get out of the cage.  THey are very sweet, never bite, and are
both less than a year old.  They are the cuddliest two I have ever met.  I
offered to take one (ferret math building here) but she will not let one go
with out the other, and will not let them go to just anyone.
If you are in the Harrisonburv Va area or are willing to travel to there to
get these lovely little dudes, kindly contact me and I will give you a way
to contact her.
Gordon, Byte-me and Nibble-ed
[Posted in FML issue 3056]