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Wed, 17 May 2000 19:30:05 +0100
friskyferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (18 lines)
Good day to all from Frisky.  I have been witnessing some rather peculier
behaviour from one of my ferrets, an entire hob (due for castration), when
he passes urine on the floor I.E, misses the litter-tray, he licks it up!
He will also drink his females urine.  I am not worried by this and do not
interfere or try and stop him, I am just curious as to why he may be doing
this and whether any of you have seen this behaviour?  He was found
wandering and the vet thinks he was feral for some time, if not born in the
wild, could it be an insecurity thing?  he is about a year old and the most
gentle ferret I have ever had!  My other five ferrets do not do this at
all.  May I take this opportunity to say how much I enjoy reading the FML,
living in the Channel Islands where knowledge about ferrets and their
health is limited, the postings have been invaluble.  I email some of you
privately and always look forward to my reply!  Thoughts always with those
with poorly or departed ferts.
Frisky, Biscuit, Chocolate, Bear, Scooby-Doo, Snoopy and Toffee.
[Posted in FML issue 3055]