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Thu, 11 May 2000 21:03:59 -0400
Debbie Utter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
I had something happen a few hours ago, and I'm still shaken by it.  I was
home from work for only fifteen minutes and was sitting in the living room
chatting with my daughter.  Sally, our smallest ferret, was climbing over
and through two very large stuffed animals on the futon.  She crawled down
inside the pile, and I put my hand on the edge of where she was heading and
wiggled my fingers to play with her - I play with them a lot like this.
This time, though, she attacked my thumb!  Surprised, I whipped my hand
back (well, mostly I did it because it hurt!), but she was latched on!  I
shook my hand, hoping she'd let go, but she just kept tightening her jaws,
repeatedly, like she was trying to get her teeth to meet.  By this time,
all I can think of is to get her off my thumb, and I tried to scruff her
with my other hand so I could pry her jaws open--but realized I wouldn't
have a hand free to do so, so I scruffed her hard with my teeth.  She still
had a vice grip on my thumb and wouldn't let go.  The only way I could get
her off was to shake her off!  By this time, I was so mad, I was in pain,
but mostly I was in shock - and, yeah, a little scared by now.  I'm afraid
I shook my hand so hard to get her off that she was practically thrown to
the carpeted floor (she didn't get hurt, but I still felt bad).  She
started to take off, and I almost let her go so I could see how bad the
damage to my thumb was.  I decided, though, that she needed a time-out, so
I grabbed for her to put her in the pen.  She's a determined little girl
and was trying to run off, but I finally managed to scruff her and put her
in the pen.  I checked out my thumb, and sure enough, she drew blood - in
four places!  My thumb is so sore, but mostly I'm shaken about this whole
incident.  I've had Sally and her "sister" Phoebe for over a year, and I've
never had either one of them do this.  I have no idea why she went berserk
and decided to attack my thumb!  Has anyone had something like this happen?
I've had my ferrets bite pretty hard when they're over-excited (I rough
house with them), but they've never drawn blood.  Left tooth prints, but
never broke the skin.  Needless to say, I'm a little "gun shy" now.  :(
Debbie, Becky, and the fab foursome: Brae, Templeton, Sally and Phoebe
Remembering Jamie - with us such a short time, but special because she was
our first
[Posted in FML issue 3049]