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Sun, 23 Apr 2000 12:23:22 EDT
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Hello everyone,
On Monday, April 17th 2000, NY State Supreme Court Judge Richard Braun
granted ferret-owners' motion for a temporary injunction prohibiting the
City from enforcing its ferret ban.  This injunction will remain in effect
for at least a month and possibly longer pending the outcome of upcoming
The Judge also invited the City to file additional papers in support of
its cross-motion to dismiss which presumably will involve explaining their
rational basis for banning ferrets.  Once the additional papers have been
submitted, Irving Heisler (the lawyer for the ferret-owners) will have an
opportunity to file a rebuttal.  The deadline for both sides to file their
additional information is in early May.
Although the temporary injunction means that for now New York City ferret
owners can breathe a bit easier knowing that their ferrets are safe from
confiscation, bear in mind that the injunction is temporary.  I would still
advise discretion with regards to letting the world know you have ferrets
living with you until the final outcome of the lawsuit.
I wanted to make sure that you saw this.  The city of New York has ferrets
in a list of prohibited WILD animals just like our legislature.  Two
efforts, one with the city council and one in the courts are being pursued
to legalize ferrets there by very dedicated folks.  The opposition to the
bill is, for the most part, from a single agency-- the New York City Health
Department.  In support are the SPCA, and Humane Society of the United
States as well as hundreds of ferret fans, veterinarians etc.
While different from California's efforts in the size of the affected area
(city ban vs. state ban), and in the magnitude of the opposition (we have
much more opposition from state agencies and other organizations), a win
in New York City can only help us.
I also send this to illustrate the great efforts by ferret folks in that
area.  Two young women have made a supreme effort to get information out,
via the web and in mailings, about the lawsuit and the city council's
effort to change this stupid prohibition.
Keep in mind, this is only a temporary win but sends a great signal about
the possible merits of the lawsuit.  I'll keep my fingers crossed for them
(and for us).  If you are from New York City, please, please get involved.
Their website is http://members.aol.com/NYCFerrets.
If you are from CA, please, please, don't sit back any longer.  Don't
"wait" for this state to legalize ferrets, don't "wait" for others to do
this work for you, or you will have a very long wait!
If you haven't written to your State Senator or Assemblymember, please do
so.  We can mail you that information if you let us know where to send it,
or you can find it on our website at www.ferretnews.org by going to "Know
your local representative" and entering your zip code.
Come on Californians, there are so many of you out there that are not
involved beyond the spectator level.  When those doing a large share of the
work tire and withdraw, there won't even be anything to "spectate".  Get
involved now!
Jeanne Carley
Californians for Ferret Legalization (CFL)
410 Mountain Home Road  Woodside, CA  94062
(650) 851-3750   <[log in to unmask]>
http://www.ferretnews.org-- CFL Website
[Posted in FML issue 3031]