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Sun, 23 Apr 2000 07:20:07 -0400
Pollitt's <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
Hello Everyone!
So did the Easter Ferret bring you your candy!?  That bunny myth is such
a joke!  EVERYONE knows its the Easter FERRET- not the Easter Bunny!  You
know, he goes around, dooking and hopping from house to house, giving
cheweasels and raisins to his fellow ferrets and stopping to nibble on a
jellybean here and there!  (Time and time again I tell him not to eat them-
that its not healthy for him- but he's a magic ferret and survives through
it anyway!) No specific color either; sometimes he's silvermitt, sometimes
sable, soetimes cinnamon, sometimes albino, etc, etc!  Now you are probably
wondering why we never see our ferrets eating all these delicious Easter
treats and whatnot.  Do you honestly believe that any ferret could leave
a pile of treats in his/her cage or foodbowl???  They are gone before you
ever wake up- or at least hidden under the sofa by then!  So now you know
the truth about the Easter Bunny, but lets keep it a secret for all the
little ones!
Erin and the Wired Weasels
Rocki, Snickers, Vir, Zeus, and Saucey
[Posted in FML issue 3031]