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Thu, 6 Apr 2000 11:57:58 -0500
Rachel McCall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
It was I who a while back posted about the vet who refused the vaccinate my
fuzzies because they were "wild animals".  Well, I just had to write and
let everyone know about our new provider.  It is Wildwood Animal Hospital
and Clinic in Marshfield, Wis.  The vet we saw for our first time was Dr.
Roger Krogstad and he was WONDERFUL.  I played dumb and kept my mouth shut.
Everything that he that he told me I knew to be right on the money about
ferts.  He did a VERY good and compete assessment on my three and when the
bill was printed called it a "simple" check-up.  Then he surprised me by
saying that his partner was the one who knows all about the little wuzzles
and goes to the seminars.  Well, that just cinched my business right there.
Then, yesterday we received a personal letter welcomong us to their
"family".  I can't say enough...
Now, on to my new fert, Harley.  He is eating and drinking much better,
but he doesn't play with my other two.  He will wander around on his own
then go off to sleep.  When I try to engage him in play he acts like he's
terrified of me.  He will occasionally snuggle for the briefest of moments,
but then fights to get down.  I will continue my efforts to get him to
play, but would appreciate any helpful hints.
Prayers for all the lost and angeled ones and condolences to everyone who
has had to watch one cross the bridge.
Dooks and hugs to all,
Rachel, slave to Sassy, Scratch, Harley
the there's the cats: Tweety and Shrimp
[Posted in FML issue 3014]