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Thu, 6 Apr 2000 19:45:18 -0500
text/plain (17 lines)
I am in Central Texas (temple) and know of at least 4 homes right now that
I would trust with a ferret who are looking.  None of these people are fond
of the petstores, either the way they treat the ferrets, or the ages that
the ferrets are.  There is a nice Lady here trying to start a shelter also
(named Kim) I was wondering if I were willing to drive : )  If I could work
something out with a shelter in Texas?
I am not sure of the cost each of the shelters charges, but feel reasonable
secure that none of the people I talked to would balk at an adoption fee.
If some of you would contact me I would be glad to be a go between or do
some driving, I have had ferts for 10 years, but don't want to give any of
my five up!  I have been asked several times, so maybe if I could get these
people in contact with a shelter not to very far away?
Susan and her very "contagous" ferts in TX
[Posted in FML issue 3014]