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Fri, 31 Mar 2000 19:38:58 -0600
text/plain (23 lines)
I really hoped someone would end this discussion on a positive note, but
I don't thing that is going to happen.  A couple of things bother me, it
seems to me that all but one person was in support of reporting abuse, the
one against was the President of the AFA!?  After stating she wasn't a
policing action at the shows, and was there on a pure voluntary basis for
the ferrets, I am sorry, but all of the talk in the world is not enough
support to look the other way after a report of suspected abuse, I am
sorry, but that is assinine.  If you don't want to cause a ripple and like
the status quo, that is great for you, but let those of us who feel it is
our responsibility to look out for the ferrets or any other animal or child
do what we feel is right, don't say fact one, two, or three till there has
been a proper investigation, like any other system, my word against yours
is only as good as the strenght of character behind it, and it takes a lot
to stand up and report, with out fear of ridicule what you believe to be
wrong, it takes very little to look the other way and "I am not the police"
or "everyone else did" as an excuse.
oh yeah, send any flames to my boss, he said he wouldn't mind
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Susan and her five (glad to be policed) ferts in TX
[Posted in FML issue 3007]